Baccano! 1934 Alice in Jails - Streets Episode - Chapter 1, Part 2 of 3 (10/29)
Gonensei Chapter 1 (10/37)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bambino! Volume 10, Chapter 101

Mediafire Download

You know, these out of order raws piss me off a lot more than they should.

Anyway, enjoy.


  1. Nice :D

    PS: Trabbocare ==> Traboccare. With one "b" and two "c"s.

  2. I really liked that tiramisu, oh wait - it was a TIRAMISUPER! lol

  3. Thanks for the hard work on the release.

  4. Thanks for the new chapter <3

  5. It's the little things that drive you insane.

    Speaking of, you're doing an ace job with the redraws. As a fellow typesetter forced into doing the job of an editor, I know how frustrating it can be. I always get stuck in zoomed in on the problem and have a hard time seeing the bigger picture without bias. At those times, it's nice to have the feedback from an outsider, you know?

    So I figured I'd just feed your back briefly and let you know you're doing a damn fine job.

  6. I was craving for this new release thanks a lot man!

  7. thanks for the reordering effort! i was reading the raw and quite confused with how things flow.

  8. I syncro-jizzed with the building when it exploded.

    You had me at "Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash".

  9. @Anon3: I'm not actually redrawing much with these raws. They're sloppily merged, but usually it's just a matter of splitting them apart again by a few pixels and stitching things in. I think the raws for volume 2 or 3 had huge gaps in the spreads and that killed me. Sadly, it looks like 11 will be like that too.

    I do have a few people to give me quick feedback, but I'm pretty obsessive so I always end up zoomed in to pixel level when redrawing anyway.

  10. excellent work as usual, seriously.
